Starting a new job is truly an adventure. It’s a fresh start, bringing the promise of new relationships, new responsibilities, and new beginnings along your career path.
But, before you start fantasizing about what new heights your new job will take you to, let’s get back to the present. You’re about to embark on your first day, so buckle up!
Here are a few things you can do to ensure you make a good first impression on your new boss:
Choose Your Outfit the Night Before
Planning ahead might be the most obvious strategy for getting to your interview on time, but it’s not just about the route you take. Being prepared well in advance of leaving your house is key. This means you’ve got a clean suit at the ready, your shirt is pressed, your shoes are shined, and you’ve got copies of your resume printed, stapled, and prepared in your portfolio.
Plan Your Commute
You should know exactly where you’re going and what route you are going to take. Once you know precisely how long it will take you, be sure to leave home so you can arrive 15 minutes before your scheduled start time. You won’t get any raised eyebrows for getting to work early.
Don’t forget to set your alarm
Give yourself plenty of time to have a shower, make some coffee, eat some breakfast, and do whatever else you need to do before you leave the house. Set your alarm accordingly, and don’t cut it too close.
Put Together All The Documents You’ll Need For HR
If the HR department has given you a list of items they need from you, put them in your portfolio, so you won’t forget to bring them with you. These could include your social security card, driver’s license, tax forms, or other documents that you have been given to fill out.
Pack a Bag With All The Essentials
Think of all the items you might need: pens, pencils, a notebook, a sweater, lunch money, and a snack, just in case you end up stuck at your desk through the lunch hour. Be sure your portfolio is packed up and ready to grab and go.
Prepare Some Questions
You might not know exactly what to expect, but you probably have some questions about the company, your department, or the way specific processes are handled. Don’t let your first day go by without getting some answers.
Remind Yourself Why You Took This Job
What is the primary reason you decided to take this job? Write down your answer and keep it handy, either in your pocket or in your notebook. That way, if things get a little intense, you can remind yourself why you’re there.
Get a Good Night’s Sleep
It’s normal to have anxiety about your first day on the job. However, that anxiety will be much worse if you aren’t well-rested. Get to sleep early, if you can, so you can wake up ready to seize the day.
Your first day at a new job can be hectic. From meeting your new co-workers, filling out on- boarding paperwork, and learning your new functions, there’s a lot happening. Use this checklist to organize what you need to get done for your first day, so that you make a great first impression.
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